Joomla is an integral part of the over open source technologies, Joomla encompasses and offers complete content management systems to build websites on the fly. Aspirant Joomla experts have built numerous website using Joomla enabling our clients to reduce cost and reap benefits.

Drupal is an extended part of the overall open source technologies far more superior to other CMS platforms. Drupal offers extensive and resourceful plugins to build robust, scalable web applications. Aspirant has design, developed and deployed CMS based website for our clients

WordPress CMS platform is a hot favourite among all CMS platforms that open source technologies offer. Nearly 70% of websites build for small to medium companies are using WordPress. We leverage the simple, easy to use plugins to build website on WordPress.

Magento again is part of the large PHP open source family exclusively used to build powerful E-Commerce Platform. Magento comes with excellent features and a complete E-Commerce website can be built using Magento. Aspirant leverages Magento to create E-Commerce website thus reducing costs.

Laravel is a new addition to PHP open source platforms. The entire process of building the website using Laravel from theme deployment to integrating plugins is extremely easy and natural. Aspirant has trained its resources in this new open source tools and builds websites catering to our clients.

Code Igniter is also a PHP based open source technology and helps the developers’ community to build fully features websites and applications. A widely accept tool it comes with built-in modules and frameworks. Aspirant has the resources to build small to large applications using Code Igniter.

HTML 5 is a mark-up language that comes in a structured form to enable developers builds website pages on the front end. It helps in structuring the UI, UX and place content appropriately as needed. Thus it is at the heart of any website or web application. Aspirant front end developers and UI/UX designers possess the core expertise in creating rich pages with HTML5

The UI (User Interface) and User Experience is at heart of any website, web application or a mobile app. It is the UI that engages with the users on the front end. A rich UI coupled with UX can make a difference in driving traffic and downloads. Our UI / UX designers implement design thinking concept in coming up with engaging and interactive designs.

The performance of a website, web application or mobile application in terms of speed, adaptability, scalability is crucial to sustain and engage with the targeted audience and grow. Our high powered team of designers and developers build and deploy optimized solutions and testers conduct manual and automated testing to increase speed.

In the times we live in when customers and users are increasing using multiple devices to browse, interact and transaction to meet their needs, it is extremely imperative to build website, and applications that are responsive to cross section of devices. Aspirant team possesses core expertise in building responsive websites, and applications to meet this growing demand.

AngularJS is a potentially a potent framework that makes a web application accurate to the point of precision. Our high powered team of developers with rich experience in AngularJS rapidly adapt AngularJS for the web application we build enhancing our value clients’ businesses. The deployment of AngularJS helps our clients accelerate time to market with their products and services